Update on Naomi ~ Day 3

The doctor came in and sat down with us about 30 mins ago. Naomi has been having regular rhythmic seizures according to the EEG. They have put her into a “phenobarb coma” in order to prevent her seizures. This is the third medicine they have tried to prevent the seizures. The doctors are hoping to put Naomi on a regular ventilator this afternoon so they can take her to have a brain scan. To me, it seems they are trying to prepare us for something bad. After good news most of the day yesterday, they have given us much bad news during the night and then this morning. I have prayed over her. I have been praying non-stop to God. I know that there are many many many people praying for little Naomi. This is very hard. The doctor said that she has had a “global” oxygen deprivation situation in her brain and this is the reason for the very unorganized, irregular EEG. Now… for all of the physical reasoning behind everything they have told us, we still trust God. Speak into existence that which is not yet, if that is what needs to be. The creator of the universe holds my little girl in his hand. Our request is that he restore her. We believe He will. We are trusting. Please pray for Wendy… and me. Sleep does not come easy, and neither does eating. It’s easy to say… “eat”, but much harder to do in situations like this. Grateful for the friends that are taking care of us, and grateful for the many prayers being offered for Naomi’s health and restoration. Please continue… don’t let up, pray HARDER. God hears you. Naomi will reap the reward, and God will be glorified. Please pray. Much love… Chris and Wendy

20 thoughts on “Update on Naomi ~ Day 3

  1. We are praying for you Chris. There is not much I can say right now but please know we are lifting you and Naomi, and the the entire family up in prayer.

  2. God is still in this, man. Still praying, still believing. When God seems apparently absent, He’s still powerfully present. Luv ya!

  3. Chris and Wendy,
    We are praying for Naomi and you guys every since we found out yesterday morning. God performs miracles everyday and we are praying for a miracle for Naomi. My brother in law is a Pediatric Dr at The Childrens Hospital and he will be coming by when he gets there Monday to check on you (he is from Orangeburg). Please know if there is anything we can do we will be glad to do it. Much love to you and your family. Keep the FAITH. Cyndi, Mikee and Brady Johnson

  4. Oh, God…heal precious Naomi. Comfort Chris and Wendy. We praise You, God, for You are in this.

  5. Continuing to pray for all of you! One thing about the eating – when I was dealing with grief after my husband went to heaven a few years ago, I couldn’t eat either. Someone wonderfully brought us a deli tray with cheese and meat slices. I found I could take just one of those pieces and nibble on it. I had no appetite – just a big lump in my stomach, but those kept me going. If the hospital has lunch meat and cheese, perhaps they would give you a couple of pieces on a plate – just enough to keep your strength up as you need that for Naomi. 🙂 Praying!

  6. I cannot begin to fathom what you and wendy are going through. My family and I have been praying for Naomi and you guys. The power of prayer can perform miracles.

  7. God does answer prayer…but not always in the way we wish. I say this as someone who lost a daughter myself. It took me a long time to not be angry at God.

    I hope your daughter is healed but sometimes preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the right way to view it.


  9. Many prayers to our Heavenly Father for your sweet Naomi and your entire family. West Bethel Methodist Church in St. Matthews prayed for you this morning.

    Wendy, call me any time….day or night…if there is anything I can do for any of you.


  10. Chris & Wendy,
    I have been praying since I first found out about Naomi & will continue to pray for her as well as you & Wendy. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you all & the things you are going through at this time. I pray that God will heal her with his love & amazing grace. I pray HARDER eveeryday, so keep trusting in GOD for HE is the only one with the right answer & we all know that PRAYER does work! We are all pulling & praying for Naomi!!!!!

    Love To All Of You!

  11. Dear Lord your precious princess is being deprived of life at this moment… Lord breath life back into her helpless body.. Pour your mercy and grace from the top of her head to the soles of her feet… Lord Bless those that are there for her family. Give her parents a Great Sense of Peace that you are in control and all will be well… Allow the drs. that are treating her to seek you first in all treatment decisions… Place them in your loving arms and cradle them and comfort them all… In your name Lord I pray… AMEN

  12. Chris, my heart is breaking for ya’ll. I really have come to love u all since I’ve gotten to know u. God is the Great Healer and I won’t stop praying and claiming miracles. Love ya’ll

  13. I am praying for the entire family and especially Little Naomi and the doctors taking care of her. We had prayer today at St.George Baptist Church. We will continue to pray for all.

  14. Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child Naomi, and grant that she may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give. Relieve her pain, guard her from all danger, restore to her your gifts of gladness and strength, and raise her up to a life of service to you.
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  15. I heard about your precious Naomi from my daughter, Tara Anderson. I am praying for her, and for you, her parents, along with my church family.There is no way that I can fathom what you are going through, my heart goes out to you. God Bless You!

  16. Chris,Wendy and entire Johnson Family

    You are all in our thoughts and prayers! God is with you always.

    Love to you all.

  17. I heard about your daughter through a friend of mine. My heart goes out to you and your family. Naomi is in my prayers , as is your entire family.

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